• Comp
    禮儀 Courtesy
  • Kids
    廉耻 Integrity
  • Waist
    忍耐 Perseverance
  • Sev
    克己 Self Control
  • Laughs
    百折不屈 Indomitable Spirit

ITC April 2015

The INTA held a very well attended and successful Instructors & Technical
Course took place on Saturday the 18th and Sunday the 19th of April. The event
was held in Firhouse, Dublin and was attended by students and instructors from
all over the country.

Hosted by Mr Mark Pollock and under the expert guidance of Master O’Toole (8th
Degree), Master Douglas (8th Degree) and Master Martin (7th Degree) the course
involved a a number of practical and information sessions. In addition, Master
Terry Donnelly (7th Degree) was in attendance and assisted in instruction
throughout the weekend.

Day One was broken into three sessions. The first session saw a focus on the
colour belt patterns. Practical applications, technical considerations and effective
teaching methods were all topics discussed by the Master Technical panel.
The second session was the club development and protocol seminar. This
seminar covered a variety of topics of relevance to instructors thinking of
opening up new schools and for those instructors who wish to promote their
classes and develop the business aspect of their clubs. This seminar then focused
on effective implementation of club protocol and taekwon-do etiquette in

The final session required students to consider step sparring. Group dynamic and
open forum discussions were used to break down the practical application of
each of the attack and defensive movements.

Day two commenced at 10am. Split by grade, dual sessions were run throughout
the day. Junior grades, who had finished their pattern and fundamental
movements on the Saturday, had the opportunity to practice special techniques,
self-defence and sparring drills while senior grades engaged in discussion on the
sabum patterns.

The INTA Technical Committee would like to thank Mr. Mark Pollock and the
Firhouse Taekwon-Do Club for the organisation and hospitality. A full
compliment of photos are accessible via the INTA facebook page.